Thursday, March 19, 2009

Style Icon: Robert Redford

Seasonally, I like to have some point of inspiration for my costumes. This Spring the style of Robert Redford, both in films and not, will help to encourage my wardrobe.

I'm MAD about his look! I physically am probably the most opposite of Robert Redford that a person can be, but that's not going to stop me from trying to emulate his sartorial panache!


  1. LOVE it. and love that you call them constumes...very grey gardens! xo

  2. Speaking of Grey Gardens, I just saw the most amazing one man performance of "After the Garden; Live at Reno Sweeney" by Gerald Duval staring Jeffrey Johnson as "little" Edie. It was FANTASTIC!!! I'll post about it later.

  3. didn't realize how much style he had. where have i been? love the jeans and blazer look!

  4. Yeah, he still rocks some good looks albeit a little more rugged.

  5. I saw 'after the garden' too last friday! It was FABULOUS! I too love that you call them costumes :-) He had really great style - casual and very American. Stylish!

  6. Scott -

    I stopped by via Lisa's blog - just wanted to give you some props on RR's styles - he has always been a timeless dresser.

    I have also heard that, as with all fashion trends, the 70's (my era) are again here!

    oh dear

  7. OMG Just read up on the show you went to. I am this close to booking a ticket to come in before it closes!! Or he MUST bring it to LA.

  8. To me Out of Africa (as seen in First photo) That style is so RIGHT NOW ! you know I love it

  9. Like his style it's classy and timeless.

  10. :: gasp :: and :: gasp :: again
    jay gastby and his blue eyes
    most important of all, the hur, i mean the hair

  11. Timeless dresser,jeans and blazer..scarf
    Ralph sort of man
    Great pictures,thanks
